Training Workshop in e-Journal Publishing:
Title: Majalah Kedokteran Bandung
Alternate Title: Bandung Medical Journal
Publisher: University of Padjadjaran
Frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year)
Language: Abstract in both Indonesian and English - Full text in Indonesian or English
Damianus Journal of Medicine
Ebers Papyrus
Health Research and Development Magazine
(Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan)
Published by: National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia
Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN: 0853-9987The Indonesian Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
(Majalah Anestesia & Critical Care)
A four monthly journal
Published by
Indonesian Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Dept. of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia - Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
Medical Staff Bld. 6th floor
Diponegoro No. 71
Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel +62 21 319 09 033
Fax +62 21 392 3443
Email [email protected]
Indonesian Journal of Cancer
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ( INAJOG) is official publication of Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Frequency: 3 Months Since 1974
Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi Indonesia (MOGI) is a official publisher of the Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology Indonesian since 1974. In 2010, the names is changed into Indonesia Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (INAJOG). Due this fact we announced that the ISSN number will be changed from ISSN 0303-7924 into 2338-6401 ( Print) 2338 - 7335 ( Online),
PKMI Building Ground Floor
Jl. Kramat Sentiong 49A Jakarta Pusat 10450 Indonesia
Tel. +62213916670; Fax +62213916671
eMail: [email protected]
Indonesian Journal of Pathology (Majalah Patologi Indonesia)
Official journal of the Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia/IAPI (Indonesian Society of Pathologists)
Published quarterly since 1986
The Official Journal of the Indonesian Medical Assocation
Journal of the Indonesian Medical Association - Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia
Frequency: Monthly
Abstract in Indonesian AND English - Full text in Indonesian OR English
Frequency: six-monthly (2 issues: January - June, July -Desember)
Address: Lembaga Pengkajian dan Penelitian SM IKM FKUI, Jalan Salemba Raya No. 6 Jakarta
Official publication of Indonesian Heart Association
Accredited by Ministry of National Education
ISSN 0126/3773
Published three monthly (January, April, July, October)
Media Dermato-Venereologica Indonesiana
Published by: Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology
Frequency: Quarterly
Terbit: 2 bulanan, Open Access: Langsung
Alamat Redaksi :
Pusat Komunikasi Publik
Gedung Kementerian Kesehatan RI, Blok A Ruang 107
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X/5 Kav. 4-9 Jakarta 12950
Telp.: 021-5201590;021-52907416-9
Fax.: 021-5223002;021-52960661
e-mail: [email protected],[email protected]
Call center: 021-500567,021-30413700
Pharmamedika Health Journal
Published by Faculty of Medicine, YARSI University
Editorial Office
Jl.Letjen Suprapto Cempaka Putih Jakarta 10510
Telp./Fax. (021) 4244574,
Email : [email protected]
Majalah Neurona
Majalah Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Majalah Pediatri
Medical Journal of Indonesia
This website is no longer active. Please refer to our official website http://mji.ui.ac.id
Medicinus is a medical journal from Faculty of Medicine, University of Pelita Harapan.
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional
(Kesmas The National Journal of Public Health)
Accredited : No.83/DIKTI/Kep/2009 and No.56/DIKTI/Kep/2012
Frequency : Bimonthly Since 2006
Address : B Building 3th Floor Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia Kampus Baru UI, Depok 16424
Telp./Fax : +6221 78849035
E-mail : [email protected] or [email protected]